We encourage the public to advertise in the Souvenir Program of our 296th Foundation Anniversary & Salakayan Festival 2012. The Souvenir Program is a fund-raising activity of the Salakayan Development Foundation, Inc. Possible advertisers will receive letters of invitation signed by SDFI Treasurer Mr. Rey N. Flores. The ads could be paid to Ms. Cynthia Calante at the Municipal Treasurer’s Office. Interested advertisers may state intention through this wall. Please indicate your complete address so we can send your letters properly.

The ad rates are as follows:
Outside back cover (colored)
Front extension (out-colored)
Front extension (in-colored)
Inside front cover (colored)
Inside back cover (colored)
1 whole inside page (colored)
1 hole inside page
1/2 page
– P5,000.00
– P4,500.00
– P4,500.00
– P4,500.00
– P5,000.00
– P2,000.00
– P1,500.00
– P1,000.00