Congresswoman Janette L. Garin could be one proud wife to her husband Mayor Richard Garin as she sees his ‘sincerity and dedication for the town of Miagao.’
“Richard decided to take this gigantic task of being your Mayor, it is not a walk in a park. Only that the people of Miagao is worth serving for,” Congresswoman Garin said in her speech during the Coronation of the Queen of Miagao 2023 on February 9, 2023.
For Congresswoman Garin, being “Miagaowanon is not only measured by being born here, it is measured by having the passion, the commitment and the pride to make good for your town.”
The couple shares the same vision for Miagao. To date, they are working on the implementation of some huge infrastructure projects that include the construction of the four-storey municipal building and rehabilitation of the cultural hall and plaza.