There could be something in Miagao that the World Health Organization (WHO) and Department of Health (DOH) chose the town in their High Level Visit.
Headed by Dr. Graham Harrison, the WHO and DOH Teams were here to learn how Miagao Rural Health Unit addresses the challenges amidst the pandemic while focusing on the excellent delivery of health services to the people.
“I welcome WHO and DOH in this high level visit. Maybe you can change Miagao as we also wish to learn from you,” said Mayor Garin as he warmly welcomes them in his Office earlier today.
Mayor Garin shared to them that Health and Pandemic Response & Recovery is on the top of his priority agenda. At the moment, he is at the planning stage and working in tandem with Congresswoman Janette L. Garin in looking for funds to finance his priority projects to improve the quality of health services. Among these projects are the completion of the RHU Building and construction of another RHU building in Barangay Guibongan which is expected to be spacious that can accommodate more patients.
He also said that he has initial talks with the University of the Philippines for the establishment of their College of Medicine which will require them the establishment of a Community Hospital.
“I dream for Miagao to be known as the best in the delivery of health services,” he concluded.