MIAGAO, Iloilo – The Municipality of Miagao hopes to become passer in the Seal of Good Local Governance (SGLG) validation with some preparatory works already in place.
This was the aim of Mayor Macario Napulan, MD and the rest of the local government officials and employees during the conduct of the SGLG on site validation and assessment on April 30, 2019.
This year, the SGLG carries on with the “all-in” assessment criteria where the local government must pass all seven areas to include: Financial Administration, Disaster Preparedness, Social Protection, Peace and Order Business Friendliness and Competitiveness, Environmental Management and Tourism, Culture and the Arts.
“We have been doing well in the preparation this year. I just hope that we will be able to satisfy all the documents needed in the indicators,” said Mayor Napulan as he stressed that he welcomes evaluations and validations of this type.
SGLG is an annual search initiated by the DILG. It is the department’s response to the clamor of the people for integrity and performance in public service. Thus, the SGLG symbolizes integrity and good governance of local government.
Once passed, recipients will be conferred with the 2018 SGLG marker, eligibility to the Performance Challenge Fund to finance local development initiatives, and an access to other programs and capacity development assistance from DILG. (Adora B. Mande)